Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Professional Profile

I’ve come to realize that no one is perfect; we all make mistakes. However, I want to make a difference in people’s lives and lead by example. I want to accept all of the mistakes I have made and realize I will make many more. My mistakes help me to learn and become a better person; they shape who I am. Every day is a new lesson and another chance to practice my beliefs. My desire to see that there is good in everyone allows me to try and keep a positive outlook on life and the world in general. I try not to focus on all the bad, rather I dig and try to find what little good there is and shine a light on it.

I am not a religious or spiritual person; however, I believe in simple things such as The Golden Rule and living it out in my daily life.My upbringing and deep devotion to being a good person guide me towards improving myself and the lives of those around me continually. I believe that leading an honest, hardworking, inspiring life that I can make a difference in the lives of everyone I touch and hopefully even a small difference in the world. It all starts with one person, and that's going to be me.

My mission, personally and professionally is:

· To always find the good in someone or something
· To lead others by setting a good example of myself
· To follow The Golden Rule and treat others the way I would like to be treated
· To always give more than my best and always strive for improving
· To base my decisions on morally and ethically sound values
· To always give everyone a fair chance and never to pre-judge
· To never let the pressures of my job or life cloud my thoughts, morals, values, or decision-making
· To remain competitive in my career, but always friendly and fair
· To be a role model and a teacher
· To touch people’s lives
· To help those around me and even those I do not know
· To always be true to myself and NEVER settle
· To allow all of my qualities and creativity to blossom
· To put forth my best effort in everything I commit to doing
· To push others to strive to do their best in whatever they commit to
· To inspire those around me and those who view me and/or my work

I volunteer my time as much as possible to places such as the local homeless center, tutoring at the grade-school, or participating in charity events. Helping others out gives me a euphoric feeling and I can immediately see how even the smallest of help or donations can really make a difference. I promise myself that I will volunteer and do all that I can in my communities locally, and around the world to make a difference.

Sometimes it’s hard to keep a positive outlook on life; often times we feel that we are just one person and what can we do that’s going to make a difference in the big picture? I like to remind myself of this quote by Brandi Snyder each day, “To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”

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